Over the past 75 years PanAmerican Seed has grown to be an internationally renowned breeder and producer of seed raised flowers and vegetables. Their innovative spirit has enabled them to grow and expand across the world. With time, greenhouse controls require replacing as new technologies are introduced. A long-time user of the Argus Classic system, PanAmerican Seed was using a reliable yet aging greenhouse control system –putting them at risk of replacement parts not being available and triggering unexpected and potentially expensive down-time.
As their long-standing controls partner, Argus Controls reached out to PanAmerican Seed about the risk obsolescence posed and provided options for upgrading their facility controls. The solution was to upgrade PanAmerican Seed to the latest Argus TITAN controls system.
The upgrade to Argus TITAN took place over the course of a year, where several enhancements were realized. PanAmerican Seed was able to implement:
- Daily Light Integral (DLI logics) for marketing zones’ LED lights – improving crop scheduling and quality during varying weather conditions
- Vapor Pressure Deficit (VPD) readings for plug rooting, with remote misting control to mitigate risks and ensure successful rooting
- Computer-controlled lights and blackout shades, utilizing Argus weather station data for accurate day-length measurements during flower blooming
- Integration of VPD readings across all zones, facilitating analysis of crop performance and nutrient intake relative to environmental humidity
- Improved control of relative humidity based on precise measurements, reducing the likelihood of humidity-related diseases
“I appreciate the service and expertise provided by Argus on the execution of this important project. I have experience working with other greenhouse control systems, and Argus has the best equipment and service that the market can provide.”
Leandro Ripoli,Research Facility Manager